「Wellesley」通常指的是美國麻州的一個城鎮,這裡以其高等教育機構而聞名,尤其是Wellesley College,一所著名的女子大學。此外,「Wellesley」也可以用作人名或地名。
例句 1:
我計劃申請Wellesley College,因為它有很好的學術聲譽。
I plan to apply to Wellesley College because it has a great academic reputation.
例句 2:
Wellesley College的校園非常美麗,吸引了很多遊客。
The campus of Wellesley College is very beautiful and attracts many visitors.
例句 3:
她在Wellesley College獲得了她的學位,並且非常自豪。
She graduated from Wellesley College and is very proud of it.
例句 1:
Wellesley Town是一個非常適合居住的地方,社區氛圍友善。
Wellesley Town is a very nice place to live, with a friendly community atmosphere.
例句 2:
This town has many excellent schools, attracting many families.
例句 3:
在Wellesley Town,你可以享受到安靜的生活環境。
In Wellesley Town, you can enjoy a peaceful living environment.
雖然Wellesley College是主要的學術機構,但有時候人們會用「Wellesley University」這個詞來指代這個地區的整體學術氛圍或相關的教育機構。
例句 1:
有些人誤以為Wellesley College是Wellesley University,其實它是一所女子學院。
Some people mistakenly think Wellesley College is Wellesley University; in fact, it is a women's college.
例句 2:
Wellesley University這個名稱有時用來描述該地區的學術環境。
The name Wellesley University is sometimes used to describe the academic environment of the area.
例句 3:
Wellesley University的名聲吸引了來自世界各地的學生。
The reputation of Wellesley University attracts students from all over the world.