

「∛」是立方根的符號,表示一個數字的立方根。立方根是指一個數字(x)在三次方時等於另一個數字(y),即 x³ = y。這個符號通常用於數學中,特別是在代數和幾何的計算中。


  1. A number that when multiplied by itself three times gives another number.
  2. The opposite of cubing a number.
  3. Finding a number that, when raised to the third power, equals a given number.
  4. The value that solves the equation x³ = y.
  5. The operation of determining what number multiplied by itself three times equals a certain value.
  6. A mathematical operation used to find the root of a number to the power of three.
  7. An operation in mathematics that finds the original number before it was cubed.
  8. A fundamental concept in algebra that involves the inverse of cubing.
  9. A specific mathematical function that is used in various applications including geometry and polynomial equations.
  10. A mathematical notation that represents the cube root of a number.


1:Cube root


在數學中,立方根指的是一個數字的立方根,即一個數字(x)乘以自身三次等於另一個數字(y)。例如,∛8 = 2,因為2³ = 8。立方根通常用於解決某些方程式或在幾何中計算體積時。


例句 1:


The cube root of 27 is 3, because 3 cubed is 27.

例句 2:


Calculating the cube root of 125 gives us 5, since 5 cubed is 125.

例句 3:


In math class, we learned how to calculate cube roots.