例句 1:
The battle took place in BC 460.
例句 2:
BC 460 was an important period in ancient Greek history.
例句 3:
Many events of ancient civilizations can be traced back to BC 460.
例句 1:
在460 BC,雅典的政治和文化發展達到了高峰。
In 460 BC, the political and cultural development of Athens reached its peak.
例句 2:
460 BC被認為是科學和哲學思想興起的時期。
460 BC is considered a time of rising scientific and philosophical thought.
例句 3:
許多歷史學家對460 BC的事件進行了深入研究。
Many historians have conducted in-depth studies on the events of 460 BC.
例句 1:
在Before Christ 460,許多古代文化正在興起。
In Before Christ 460, many ancient cultures were rising.
例句 2:
Before Christ 460的歷史背景對後來的文明影響深遠。
The historical context of Before Christ 460 had a profound impact on later civilizations.
例句 3:
學者們對Before Christ 460的事件進行了廣泛的研究。
Scholars have conducted extensive research on the events of Before Christ 460.
例句 1:
460 Before Common Era是古代歷史中的一個重要年份。
460 Before Common Era is an important year in ancient history.
例句 2:
460 Before Common Era的事件對於了解古代社會至關重要。
The events of 460 Before Common Era are crucial for understanding ancient societies.
例句 3:
在460 Before Common Era,許多文化開始有了顯著的變化。
In 460 Before Common Era, many cultures began to experience significant changes.