

「(XL)」通常用於表示尺寸或大小,特別是在服裝、鞋類或其他商品的標籤上。XL代表「特大號」,是英文「Extra Large」的縮寫,通常指比一般大號(L)更大的尺寸。這個標籤幫助消費者選擇合適的尺寸,尤其是在購物時。


  1. A size that is bigger than large.
  2. A label for clothing that is very big.
  3. A size used for larger clothing.
  4. A size category for bigger items.
  5. A designation for clothing that is larger than the standard large size.
  6. A classification indicating a size that accommodates larger body types.
  7. A size that provides more room than a large size.
  8. A label indicating an extra large size, typically in clothing.
  9. A size measurement that signifies more volume than what is considered large.
  10. A sizing term used in fashion to denote a garment that is larger than the large size.


1:Extra Large


這是「XL」的全寫,用來描述比大號更大的尺寸。這個詞在服裝業中非常常見,尤其是對於需要更大尺寸的消費者。在設計和製造過程中,考慮到不同體型的需求,Extra Large 尺寸的衣物通常會有更寬鬆的剪裁。


例句 1:

我想買一件 Extra Large 的 T 恤。

I want to buy an Extra Large T-shirt.

例句 2:

這件外套只有到 Extra Large 的尺寸。

This jacket only comes in Extra Large size.

例句 3:

他穿著一件 Extra Large 的運動衫,感覺很舒適。

He is wearing an Extra Large sweatshirt and feels very comfortable.

2:Size XL




例句 1:

這雙鞋的標籤上寫著 Size XL

The label on these shoes says Size XL.

例句 2:

你能幫我找到 Size XL 的運動褲嗎?

Can you help me find a pair of sweatpants in Size XL?

例句 3:

她在網上訂購了一件 Size XL 的外套。

She ordered a Size XL jacket online.

3:Large size


這是用來描述比一般尺寸更大的物品,通常用於服裝、家具等。這個詞可以是 XL 的同義詞,但不一定是指特大號,因為大號(L)也可以被認為是大型的。


例句 1:

這件襯衫的 Large size 已經賣完了。

The Large size of this shirt is sold out.

例句 2:

我需要一個 Large size 的行李箱來裝我的衣物。

I need a Large size suitcase to pack my clothes.

例句 3:

他通常穿 Large size 的衣服。

He usually wears Large size clothes.

4:Big size




例句 1:

這個包包的 Big size 可以裝下很多東西。

This bag's big size can hold a lot of things.

例句 2:

她選擇了 Big size 的披薩,因為她很餓。

She chose a big size pizza because she was very hungry.

例句 3:

這張桌子的 Big size 非常適合家庭聚會。

This table's big size is perfect for family gatherings.