



  1. Three identical tiles in a game.
  2. A set of three matching pieces.
  3. Three of the same tile in a game.
  4. A grouping of three identical game pieces.
  5. A combination of three matching items in a game.
  6. A triplet of identical elements used in gameplay.
  7. A set of three identical components in a traditional game.
  8. A triplet that forms part of the scoring in a game.
  9. A grouping of three identical units that is significant in gameplay.
  10. Three identical pieces that are essential for winning in a traditional game.




這個詞通常用於音樂、數學或遊戲中,表示三個相同或相似的元素。在麻將中,三張相同的牌組成的刻子可以被視為一個 triplet,這是遊戲中獲勝的重要組合之一。


例句 1:

他在這局麻將中抓到了三張相同的牌,形成了 triplet

He drew three identical tiles in this round of mahjong, forming a triplet.

例句 2:

這首曲子包含了許多 triplet 的音符,讓旋律更加豐富。

This piece contains many triplet notes, making the melody richer.

例句 3:

數學中,三個相同的數字可以形成一個 triplet

In mathematics, three identical numbers can form a triplet.



在遊戲或數學中,set 通常指一組元素或物品。在麻將中,刻子是一種特定的 set,因為它由三張相同的牌組成,這是玩家獲得分數的關鍵組合。


例句 1:

她在遊戲中成功地組成了一個 set,贏得了這局。

She successfully formed a set in the game and won this round.

例句 2:

這個 set 包含了三張相同的牌,這是麻將中的刻子

This set contains three identical tiles, which is a triplet in mahjong.

例句 3:

在數學中,set 是一個非常重要的概念,包含了多個元素。

In mathematics, a set is a very important concept that contains multiple elements.



指一組或一類的事物。在麻將中,三張相同的牌可以被稱為一個 group,這是遊戲中形成和牌的一部分。


例句 1:

他在麻將中形成了一個 group,這讓他接近和牌。

He formed a group in mahjong, bringing him closer to winning.

例句 2:

這個 group 包含了三張相同的牌,是一個很好的開始。

This group includes three identical tiles, which is a great start.

例句 3:

在社會學中,group 是研究人際關係的重要單位。

In sociology, a group is an important unit for studying interpersonal relationships.