



  1. A drink made from a special herb.
  2. A herbal tea that helps with health.
  3. A tea made from a plant known for its benefits.
  4. A soothing beverage made from a traditional herb.
  5. A type of tea that is believed to have health benefits.
  6. A herbal infusion made from a plant used in traditional medicine.
  7. A beverage made from a well-known herb that is used for its medicinal properties.
  8. An herbal tea derived from a plant often associated with health and wellness.
  9. A traditional herbal infusion recognized for its therapeutic benefits.
  10. A tea made from a traditional herb known for its healing properties.


1:Mugwort tea


在西方,艾蒿茶通常被稱為 mugwort tea,這是一種常見的草本飲品。它以艾蒿的葉子為基礎,常用於舒緩消化不良和促進睡眠。這種茶的味道獨特,並且在烹飪中也經常使用。


例句 1:


I enjoy drinking mugwort tea at night to help me sleep.

例句 2:


This cup of mugwort tea helps with digestion and makes me feel better.

例句 3:


She uses mugwort tea to relieve menstrual pain.

2:Artemisia tea


艾蒿的學名是 Artemisia,這種茶在一些地區被稱為 Artemisia tea。這種飲品在亞洲文化中有著悠久的歷史,常用於治療和保健。它的健康益處使其成為許多家庭的常備飲品。


例句 1:

Artemisia tea 是一種傳統的保健飲品。

Artemisia tea is a traditional health drink.

例句 2:

許多人相信 Artemisia tea 能增強免疫系統。

Many people believe that Artemisia tea can boost the immune system.

例句 3:

我每週都會喝一次 Artemisia tea,保持健康。

I drink Artemisia tea once a week to maintain my health.

3:Wormwood tea


艾蒿在某些文化中被稱為 wormwood,這種茶以其獨特的香氣和潤喉的特性而受到人們的喜愛。它通常用於緩解不適和促進健康。


例句 1:

Wormwood tea 是一種有助於舒緩喉嚨的飲品。

Wormwood tea is a drink that helps soothe the throat.

例句 2:

她的祖母常常為她泡 wormwood tea 來增強抵抗力。

Her grandmother often made her wormwood tea to boost her immunity.

例句 3:

我在寒冷的天氣裡喜歡喝 wormwood tea

I enjoy drinking wormwood tea on cold days.