例句 1:
The angular protrusions of this plant allow it to adapt better to its environment.
例句 2:
The angular protrusion design of the building makes its appearance more unique.
例句 3:
The angular protrusions of this insect can be used to defend against predators.
例句 1:
The horn-like projections of this animal make it more competitive among its peers.
例句 2:
Some fish have horn-like projections that can be used to attract mates.
例句 3:
The horn-like projections of this organism help it survive in its habitat.
在數學和幾何中,這個詞指的是一種尖銳的突起或角,通常用於描述某些形狀或結構的特徵。在建築設計中,尖銳的邊緣或角落可以被稱為 cusp,以增加視覺效果。
例句 1:
這個建築的設計包含了幾個明顯的 cusp,增強了其美感。
The design of this building features several prominent cusps that enhance its aesthetics.
例句 2:
數學圖形中的 cusp 表示曲線的轉折點。
The cusp in the mathematical figure represents the turning point of the curve.
例句 3:
這種設計的 cusp 使得結構更加穩固。
The cusps in this design make the structure more stable.
這個詞通常用於描述從主要結構或形狀延伸出來的突起,可能是自然形成的或人為設計的。在地質學中,spur 可以指向山脊或懸崖邊緣的突起部分。
例句 1:
這座山的 spur 提供了壯觀的觀景點。
The spur of the mountain provides a spectacular viewpoint.
例句 2:
這種設計的 spur 增加了建築的功能性。
The spur in this design increases the functionality of the building.
例句 3:
地質學家研究這些 spur 以了解地形的形成過程。
Geologists study these spurs to understand the formation processes of the terrain.