

「-C」通常是用來表示某種編程語言的縮寫,特別是指 C 語言。C 語言是一種通用的編程語言,廣泛用於系統編程和應用程序開發。它以其效率、靈活性和可移植性而聞名。C 語言的設計目的是提供一種能夠直接操作硬體的能力,同時也能夠進行高層次的編程。


  1. A type of programming language.
  2. A language used to write computer programs.
  3. A language that allows you to communicate with computers.
  4. A programming language known for its efficiency.
  5. A powerful language often used for system software.
  6. A language that provides low-level access to memory.
  7. A foundational language for many modern programming languages.
  8. A structured language that supports procedural programming.
  9. A language that serves as a basis for various operating systems and applications.
  10. A language that combines high-level and low-level programming features.


1:C Language




例句 1:

學習 C 語言是成為一名程序員的基礎。

Learning the C language is fundamental to becoming a programmer.

例句 2:

許多操作系統都是用 C 語言編寫的。

Many operating systems are written in the C language.

例句 3:

這本書專注於 C 語言的基礎知識。

This book focuses on the fundamentals of the C language.

2:C Programming


專指用 C 語言進行編程的過程,通常涉及學習語法、數據結構及算法等基本概念。這個過程對於希望從事軟體開發的人來說至關重要。


例句 1:

C 編程對於理解計算機科學的基本概念非常重要。

C programming is essential for understanding the fundamentals of computer science.

例句 2:

他在 C 編程方面非常有經驗。

He is very experienced in C programming.

例句 3:

這門課程將教授 C 編程的基礎知識。

This course will teach the basics of C programming.

3:C Code


指用 C 語言編寫的程式碼,通常用於開發軟體或解決特定問題。C 程式碼以其簡潔和高效而著稱,廣泛應用於各種應用程式中。


例句 1:

這段 C 程式碼能夠有效地處理數據。

This C code can efficiently handle data.

例句 2:

我們需要檢查這段 C 程式碼是否有錯誤。

We need to check if there are any errors in this C code.

例句 3:

他展示了如何編寫簡單的 C 程式碼。

He demonstrated how to write simple C code.

4:C Syntax


指 C 語言的語法規則,這些規則定義了如何正確編寫程式碼以使其能夠被編譯和執行。理解這些語法對於學習和使用 C 語言至關重要。


例句 1:

掌握 C 語言的語法是學習編程的第一步。

Mastering the syntax of C is the first step in learning programming.

例句 2:

這篇文章詳細解釋了 C 語言的語法規則。

This article explains the syntax rules of C in detail.

例句 3:

他對 C 語法有很好的理解。

He has a good understanding of C syntax.