「Inti」這個詞在不同的文化中有不同的含義。在印加文化中,Inti 是太陽神的名字,象徵著光明和生命。在某些南美洲的地方,這個詞也可能用來指代與太陽相關的事物或活動。
在許多文化中,太陽神被視為生命和能量的源泉。在印加文化中,Inti 是太陽神,象徵著農業的豐收和人類的生存。人們會進行祭祀以感謝太陽神的恩賜,並祈求好運和豐收。
例句 1:
印加人崇拜 Inti,因為他們相信太陽神賜予他們生命。
The Incas worshipped Inti because they believed the sun god granted them life.
例句 2:
In ancient times, many civilizations had their own sun god beliefs.
例句 3:
Worshipping the sun god was an important religious ritual in Inca culture.
指的是被崇拜的神明或超自然存在,通常具有特定的屬性和能力。在印加文化中,Inti 作為太陽神被視為一位重要的神明,負責調節季節和農作物的生長。
例句 1:
In many religions, the existence of deities is central to belief.
例句 2:
Inti 被崇拜為農業和繁榮的神明。
Inti is revered as a deity of agriculture and prosperity.
例句 3:
Ancient cultures had many different deities, each with unique stories and characteristics.
用來描述與太陽有關的神祇或象徵,通常與光明、生命和能量相聯繫。在印加文化中,Inti 作為太陽的象徵,代表著生命的源泉。
例句 1:
There are many mythological stories related to solar figures in this culture.
例句 2:
Inti 被視為農業和生命的太陽象徵。
Inti is regarded as a solar figure representing agriculture and life.
例句 3:
Many ancient civilizations viewed the sun as an important sacred symbol.
指在特定文化中具有重要意義的象徵,通常用來表達信仰、價值觀或歷史。在印加文化中,Inti 是一個重要的文化象徵,代表著自然界的力量和人類的生活。
例句 1:
在印加文化中,Inti 是一個重要的文化象徵。
In Inca culture, Inti is an important cultural symbol.
例句 2:
Cultural symbols can help people understand their history and identity.
例句 3:
Many cultures have unique symbols that reflect their beliefs and values.