例句 1:
The Sabaean culture was very prosperous in ancient South Arabia.
例句 2:
The Sabaean kingdom was known for its trade and religious activities.
例句 3:
Many archaeological findings reveal the lifestyle of the Sabaeans.
這個詞通常指與薩巴文化或信仰相關的人,或是指代與這些信仰有關的事物。在某些文獻中,Sabean 也可能用來描述某些古代宗教儀式或信仰體系。
例句 1:
Sabean 的信徒在宗教儀式中使用特定的符號。
Sabean followers use specific symbols in their religious rituals.
例句 2:
這本書探討了 Sabean 信仰的歷史背景。
This book explores the historical background of Sabean beliefs.
例句 3:
Sabean 文化對於理解古代阿拉伯的宗教有重要意義。
Sabean culture is significant for understanding ancient Arabian religions.
例句 1:
Sabaeanism 是研究古代南阿拉伯宗教的重要領域。
Sabaeanism is an important field of study in ancient South Arabian religions.
例句 2:
許多學者專注於 Sabaeanism 的歷史和影響。
Many scholars focus on the history and influence of Sabaeanism.
例句 3:
Sabaeanism 的信仰體系對於理解古代社會至關重要。
The belief system of Sabaeanism is crucial for understanding ancient societies.
例句 1:
Sabeanism 在古代文獻中有其獨特的地位。
Sabeanism holds a unique position in ancient literature.
例句 2:
研究 Sabeanism 有助於理解古代宗教的多樣性。
Studying Sabeanism helps understand the diversity of ancient religions.
例句 3:
許多 Sabeanism 的儀式仍然影響著當代信仰。
Many Sabeanism rituals still influence contemporary beliefs.