例句 1:
Before Christ 204 was an important period in Chinese history.
例句 2:
Many ancient events occurred in Before Christ 204.
例句 3:
The historical records from this year are very precious.
例句 1:
在B.C. 204,許多文明正在興起。
In B.C. 204, many civilizations were rising.
例句 2:
這場戰役發生在B.C. 204年。
This battle took place in B.C. 204.
例句 3:
B.C. 204的歷史事件對後來的發展有深遠影響。
The historical events of B.C. 204 had a profound impact on later developments.
例句 1:
204 B.C.是一個重要的歷史時間點。
204 B.C. is an important historical milestone.
例句 2:
在204 B.C.,許多文化和社會變革正在發生。
In 204 B.C., many cultural and social changes were taking place.
例句 3:
我們需要研究204 B.C.的事件以了解當時的情況。
We need to study the events of 204 B.C. to understand the situation at that time.