「檳榔樹」是指檳榔樹(Areca catechu),這是一種熱帶植物,主要分布在亞洲和太平洋地區。檳榔樹的果實是檳榔,常被用來咀嚼,並在某些文化中被視為社交活動的一部分。檳榔樹的樹幹筆直,葉片呈羽狀,通常高達20米,並且在熱帶地區的農業中有重要的經濟價值。
例句 1:
In some cultures, the betel palm is revered for its cultural significance.
例句 2:
The fruit of the betel palm is an important part of many social activities.
例句 3:
They offered the fruits of the betel palm during the celebrations.
例句 1:
在植物學課程中,我們學習了檳榔樹的特性,學名為 Areca palm。
In our botany class, we studied the characteristics of the areca palm.
例句 2:
Areca palm 在熱帶地區的農業中扮演著重要角色。
The areca palm plays an important role in agriculture in tropical regions.
例句 3:
這種植物的學名是 Areca palm,廣泛分布於熱帶地區。
This plant is scientifically known as the areca palm and is widely distributed in tropical areas.
例句 1:
檳榔樹在當地社會中被稱為 Areca tree,並且常見於市場上。
The areca tree is commonly seen in local markets and is an important part of the community.
例句 2:
他們在節日慶典中使用 Areca tree 的果實。
They use the fruits of the areca tree during festival celebrations.
例句 3:
Areca tree 在傳統習俗中占有重要地位。
The areca tree holds a significant place in traditional customs.