



  1. A time long ago before the year zero.
  2. A specific year in ancient history.
  3. A year that is part of the timeline before Christ.
  4. A historical period that occurred around 2200 years before the common era.
  5. A date used for historical references to ancient civilizations.
  6. A year that marks significant events in early human history.
  7. A specific point in time that is often discussed in the context of ancient cultures.
  8. A time marker used in archaeology and history to denote events before the common era.
  9. A chronological reference point in the study of ancient civilizations and their developments.
  10. A historical year that indicates a time before the established calendar system.


1:BCE 2200


BCE是「Before Common Era」的縮寫,與公元前相同,通常用於學術界以避免宗教色彩。這個標記在考古學和歷史學中廣泛使用。


例句 1:

BCE 2200年,古代美索不達米亞文明已經繁榮發展。

In BCE 2200, the ancient Mesopotamian civilization was flourishing.

例句 2:

許多文物的出土可以追溯到BCE 2200年。

Many artifacts can be traced back to BCE 2200.

例句 3:

BCE 2200年是人類歷史上重要的轉折點。

BCE 2200 is an important turning point in human history.

2:Before Common Era 2200




例句 1:

Before Common Era 2200,許多文化開始發展。

In Before Common Era 2200, many cultures began to develop.

例句 2:

這段時間的文獻資料非常有限,特別是在Before Common Era 2200

Documentation from this time is very limited, especially in Before Common Era 2200.

例句 3:

考古學家在Before Common Era 2200的遺址中發現了重要的證據。

Archaeologists found significant evidence at sites from Before Common Era 2200.

3:2200 BC




例句 1:

2200 BC是古代埃及文明的一個重要時期。

2200 BC was a significant period for ancient Egyptian civilization.

例句 2:

2200 BC,許多城市國家開始出現。

In 2200 BC, many city-states began to emerge.

例句 3:

2200 BC的考古發現改變了我們對古代社會的理解。

Archaeological discoveries from 2200 BC have changed our understanding of ancient societies.

4:2200 Before Christ




例句 1:

2200 Before Christ,許多文明開始有書寫系統。

In 2200 Before Christ, many civilizations began to have writing systems.

例句 2:

2200 Before Christ的考古遺址提供了重要的歷史線索。

Archaeological sites from 2200 Before Christ provide important historical clues.

例句 3:

學者們對2200 Before Christ的事件進行了深入研究。

Scholars have conducted in-depth studies on events from 2200 Before Christ.