例句 1:
The Fulani language is one of the main languages in many West African countries.
例句 2:
Learning the Fulani language can help understand the culture of this ethnic group.
例句 3:
In Nigeria, the Fulani language is a common language in many communities.
例句 1:
Fulfulde 是富爾拉尼族在西非的主要語言之一。
Fulfulde is one of the main languages of the Fulani people in West Africa.
例句 2:
許多富爾拉尼族的詩歌和故事都是用 Fulfulde 語言創作的。
Many poems and stories of the Fulani people are written in Fulfulde.
例句 3:
在馬利,Fulfulde 是主要的交流語言之一。
In Mali, Fulfulde is one of the primary languages of communication.
例句 1:
Pulaar 是塞內加爾北部地區的一種重要語言。
Pulaar is an important language in the northern regions of Senegal.
例句 2:
學習 Pulaar 有助於了解當地的文化和習俗。
Learning Pulaar helps to understand the local culture and customs.
例句 3:
Pulaar 和 Fulfulde 之間有許多相似之處。
There are many similarities between Pulaar and Fulfulde.
例句 1:
在幾內亞,Pular 是主要的交流語言之一。
In Guinea, Pular is one of the main languages of communication.
例句 2:
Pular 的使用者在社區中擁有重要的社會地位。
Speakers of Pular hold significant social status within the community.
例句 3:
Pular 和其他富爾拉尼語的方言有很多共同點。
Pular shares many commonalities with other dialects of the Fulani language.