「Caimito」是指一種熱帶水果,中文名為「紫心果」或「蘋果果」,其學名為「Chrysophyllum cainito」。這種水果外皮通常為紫色或綠色,果肉呈白色或黃色,味道甜美,具有獨特的香氣。Caimito樹是一種常見於熱帶地區的樹木,常用於園藝和觀賞。
例句 1:
I bought some star apples at the market to make a dessert.
例句 2:
The flavor of star apple is very unique and impressive.
例句 3:
This summer, I want to try different tropical fruits, including star apple.
例句 1:
在植物學課程中,我們學習了紫心果的學名,即 Chrysophyllum cainito。
In our botany class, we learned the scientific name of star apple, which is Chrysophyllum cainito.
例句 2:
這篇研究探討了 Chrysophyllum cainito 的生長條件和特性。
This study explores the growing conditions and characteristics of Chrysophyllum cainito.
例句 3:
了解 Chrysophyllum cainito 的生態系統對於保護熱帶植物至關重要。
Understanding the ecosystem of Chrysophyllum cainito is crucial for the conservation of tropical plants.
例句 1:
The purple star apple looks very appealing, especially when it is ripe.
例句 2:
At the tropical fruit stand, the purple star apple is one of the most popular choices.
例句 3:
I love the taste of the purple star apple; it's sweet but not overwhelming.
例句 1:
我在旅行中第一次嘗試了 Caimito,味道真是太好了!
I tried caimito for the first time during my travels, and it was delicious!
例句 2:
Caimito 是我最喜愛的熱帶水果之一。
Caimito is one of my favorite tropical fruits.
例句 3:
在這個地方,你可以找到新鮮的 Caimito,味道非常好。
In this place, you can find fresh caimito, and it tastes amazing.