

「Megawatt」是電力單位,等於一百萬瓦特(1,000,000 watts),通常用來衡量大型電力系統的產能或消耗。例如,電廠的發電能力常以megawatt為單位來表示。這個單位在能源和電力行業中非常常見,尤其是在可再生能源(如風能和太陽能)和傳統能源(如火力發電)中。


  1. A unit for measuring a lot of electricity.
  2. A large amount of power.
  3. A way to show how much energy is produced.
  4. A measurement for big energy sources.
  5. A unit that indicates how much electricity can be generated.
  6. A measure of electrical power equal to one million watts.
  7. A unit used to express large-scale energy production.
  8. A standard measurement in the energy sector for substantial electricity output.
  9. A unit of measure in the electrical industry representing one million watts of power.
  10. A metric used to quantify large energy outputs, commonly utilized in power generation.






例句 1:

這座風力發電廠的總裝機容量為300 MW

The total installed capacity of this wind farm is 300 MW.

例句 2:

這個太陽能電站的輸出功率達到150 MW

The output power of this solar power station reaches 150 MW.

例句 3:

我們的目標是將電網的可再生能源比例提高到500 MW

Our goal is to increase the renewable energy share in the grid to 500 MW.

2:Megawatt hour


「Megawatt hour」是表示能量的單位,等於一個megawatt的功率在一小時內所消耗或生成的能量。這個單位常用於電力市場中,尤其是在計算電力消耗和發電時。


例句 1:

這個電廠去年生產了超過5000 MWh的電力。

This power plant produced over 5000 MWh of electricity last year.

例句 2:

用戶的月用電量達到100 MWh。

The user's monthly electricity consumption reached 100 MWh.

例句 3:

這項計劃的目標是每年生成200 MWh的可再生能源。

The goal of this project is to generate 200 MWh of renewable energy annually.



「Gigawatt」是更大的電力單位,等於一千萬瓦特(1,000,000,000 watts)。通常用於描述大型電廠的發電能力,尤其是在核能或大型火力發電項目中。


例句 1:

這座核電廠的總發電能力為3 GW。

The total generation capacity of this nuclear power plant is 3 GW.

例句 2:

全球最大的太陽能發電場的容量達到1.5 GW。

The largest solar power plant in the world has a capacity of 1.5 GW.

例句 3:

我們的目標是將可再生能源的裝機容量提升到5 GW。

Our goal is to increase the renewable energy capacity to 5 GW.



「Kilowatt」是電力的另一個單位,等於一千瓦特(1,000 watts),常用於家庭或小型商業電力消耗的計算。


例句 1:

這台電腦的功率約為0.5 kW。

This computer consumes about 0.5 kW of power.

例句 2:

家庭的平均電力消耗約為1.5 kW。

The average household electricity consumption is about 1.5 kW.

例句 3:

這台空調的功率約為2 kW。

This air conditioner has a power rating of about 2 kW.