例句 1:
In the year 313 AD, the Roman Empire issued the Edict of Milan, allowing Christianity to be legalized.
例句 2:
The year 313 AD is a significant turning point in the history of Christianity.
例句 3:
Many historians believe that the year 313 AD marks the legalization of Christianity.
例句 1:
313 CE是基督教歷史上一個關鍵的年份。
The year 313 CE is a key year in Christian history.
例句 2:
在313 CE,基督教開始在羅馬帝國中獲得合法地位。
In 313 CE, Christianity began to gain legal status in the Roman Empire.
例句 3:
313 CE的事件對後來的歷史進程產生了重要影響。
The events of 313 CE had a significant impact on the course of later history.