例句 1:
Matthew 是我最好的朋友。
Matthew is my best friend.
例句 2:
在聖經中,Matthew 是耶穌的門徒之一。
In the Bible, Matthew is one of the disciples of Jesus.
例句 3:
我在學校遇到了一個叫 Matthew 的新同學。
I met a new classmate named Matthew at school.
例句 1:
Matias 是一位出色的足球運動員。
Matias is an excellent soccer player.
例句 2:
我朋友的名字叫 Matias,他來自阿根廷。
My friend's name is Matias, and he is from Argentina.
例句 3:
Matias 在學校裡非常受歡迎。
Matias is very popular at school.
例句 1:
Matthias 是耶穌的另一位門徒,他在選舉中被選為使徒。
Matthias was another disciple of Jesus, chosen to be an apostle.
例句 2:
我有一個朋友叫 Matthias,他非常喜歡音樂。
I have a friend named Matthias who loves music.
例句 3:
Matthias 在班上是一位優秀的學生。
Matthias is an excellent student in class.
例句 1:
Mateo 是我表弟的名字。
Mateo is my cousin's name.
例句 2:
在西班牙,Mateo 是一個非常常見的名字。
In Spain, Mateo is a very common name.
例句 3:
Mateo 喜歡畫畫,特別是風景畫。
Mateo enjoys painting, especially landscapes.