是丁香島的中文名稱,直接翻譯為「Clove Island」,因為島上盛產丁香花而得名。這個名稱在當地使用,遊客和居民都熟悉。
例句 1:
We plan to vacation on Dingxiang Island.
例句 2:
The scenery on Dingxiang Island is very charming.
例句 3:
You can enjoy many water activities on Dingxiang Island.
例句 1:
Clove Island is famous for its beautiful flowers.
Clove Island is famous for its beautiful flowers.
例句 2:
Many tourists visit Clove Island for its stunning beaches.
Many tourists visit Clove Island for its stunning beaches.
例句 3:
Clove Island offers great opportunities for snorkeling.
Clove Island offers great opportunities for snorkeling.
例句 1:
The Penghu Islands are a famous tourist destination in Taiwan.
例句 2:
We plan to explore different islands in the Penghu Islands.
例句 3:
The beaches of the Penghu Islands are perfect for vacationing.
這個名稱強調了丁香島的花卉特色,特別是丁香花的美麗。這個名稱可能不如「丁香島」或「Clove Island」常見,但它捕捉了島嶼的自然美。
例句 1:
Floral Island is known for its vibrant flowers.
Floral Island is known for its vibrant flowers.
例句 2:
在Floral Island上,你可以看到各種各樣的植物。
On Floral Island, you can see a variety of plants.
例句 3:
Floral Island attracts many nature lovers each year.
Floral Island attracts many nature lovers each year.