「肖拉山」是台灣的一座著名山峰,位於新北市的三峽區,海拔約為 1,200 公尺。它是登山健行愛好者的熱門地點,因其壯麗的自然景觀和豐富的生態資源而受到遊客的喜愛。登上肖拉山可以俯瞰周圍的山脈和城市景觀,特別是在清晨或黃昏時分,風景尤為壯觀。
例句 1:
We plan to hike at Xiaolashan this weekend.
例句 2:
The sunrise view at Xiaolashan is breathtaking.
例句 3:
Xiaolashan is one of the popular hiking spots in Taiwan.
例句 1:
在Mount Xiaola的頂端,你可以看到整個三峽區的美景。
At the top of Mount Xiaola, you can see the beautiful scenery of the Sanxia area.
例句 2:
Mount Xiaola吸引了許多攝影師來捕捉其壯觀的景色。
Mount Xiaola attracts many photographers to capture its spectacular views.
例句 3:
我們在Mount Xiaola進行了一次難忘的登山旅程。
We had an unforgettable hiking trip at Mount Xiaola.
例句 1:
明天我們要去Xiaola Mountain爬山,準備好你的登山鞋!
Tomorrow we are going to hike at Xiaola Mountain, get your hiking shoes ready!
例句 2:
Xiaola Mountain的步道適合各種程度的登山者。
The trails at Xiaola Mountain are suitable for hikers of all levels.
例句 3:
Xiaola Mountain是個放鬆和享受大自然的好地方。
Xiaola Mountain is a great place to relax and enjoy nature.
例句 1:
我們終於到達了Xiaola Peak,風景真是太美了!
We finally reached Xiaola Peak, and the view is just amazing!
例句 2:
在Xiaola Peak上,風非常大,建議攜帶防風衣。
It is very windy at Xiaola Peak, so it's advisable to bring a windbreaker.
例句 3:
Xiaola Peak的登山路線需要一定的體力,適合有經驗的登山者。
The hiking route to Xiaola Peak requires some stamina and is suitable for experienced hikers.