

「x^7」表示數學中的一個代數表達式,其中 x 是變數,^7 表示 x 的七次方,即 x 乘以自身七次。這個表達式可以用來解釋多項式、函數或其他數學概念。


  1. A letter multiplied by itself seven times.
  2. A variable raised to the seventh power.
  3. A variable that is used in equations and multiplied by itself seven times.
  4. A mathematical expression that shows a number or variable raised to a specific exponent.
  5. A term in algebra representing a variable raised to the seventh power.
  6. An algebraic expression indicating a variable raised to the seventh exponent.
  7. A representation of a variable in polynomial form, specifically raised to the seventh degree.
  8. An expression that signifies a variable multiplied by itself multiple times, specifically seven.
  9. A mathematical notation indicating a variable raised to the power of seven, often used in polynomial functions.
  10. A representation of a variable raised to the seventh power, often found in algebra and calculus.


1:x to the power of 7


這個表達式通常用於數學計算和代數中,表示將變數 x 乘以自身七次。它可以出現在多項式中,也可能在解方程時使用。


例句 1:

在這個方程中,我們需要計算 x 的七次方。

In this equation, we need to calculate x to the power of 7.

例句 2:

當 x 為 2 時,x 的七次方等於 128。

When x is 2, x to the power of 7 equals 128.

例句 3:

這個多項式的最高次數是 x 的七次方。

The highest degree of this polynomial is x to the power of 7.

2:x raised to the seventh power




例句 1:

我們在學習如何計算 x 的七次方時遇到了一些困難。

We had some difficulties learning how to calculate x raised to the seventh power.

例句 2:

這個公式包含了 x 的七次方,對於解題非常重要。

This formula includes x raised to the seventh power, which is crucial for solving the problem.

例句 3:

在這個圖形中,x 的七次方是主要的變數。

In this graph, x raised to the seventh power is the main variable.

3:x raised to the 7th degree


這種說法通常在高等數學或代數中使用,表示變數 x 的次方,特別是在討論多項式的時候。


例句 1:

在這個多項式中,x 的七次方是最高次項。

In this polynomial, x raised to the 7th degree is the highest term.

例句 2:

我們需要找出 x 的七次方的值。

We need to find the value of x raised to the 7th degree.

例句 3:

這個公式的解包括 x 的七次方。

The solution to this formula includes x raised to the 7th degree.

4:the seventh power of x




例句 1:

計算 x 的七次方需要使用指數法則。

Calculating the seventh power of x requires using the laws of exponents.

例句 2:

在這個問題中,我們需要求出 x 的七次方。

In this problem, we need to find the seventh power of x.

例句 3:

這個表達式的值是 x 的七次方。

The value of this expression is the seventh power of x.