例句 1:
Alison 是我最好的朋友,她非常聰明。
Alison is my best friend, and she is very smart.
例句 2:
我在網上認識了一位名叫 Alison 的作家。
I met a writer online named Alison.
例句 3:
Alison 喜歡畫畫,經常參加藝術展覽。
Alison loves painting and often participates in art exhibitions.
例句 1:
Allyson 是一位出色的運動員,參加過多次比賽。
Allyson is an excellent athlete and has competed in many events.
例句 2:
我在學校有一位朋友叫 Allyson,她總是很友善。
I have a friend at school named Allyson, and she is always very kind.
例句 3:
Allyson 最近開始學習彈鋼琴。
Allyson has recently started learning to play the piano.
例句 1:
Alice 是一個非常受歡迎的名字,尤其是在童話故事中。
Alice is a very popular name, especially in fairy tales.
例句 2:
她的名字叫 Alice,經常被稱讚為聰明的女孩。
Her name is Alice, and she is often praised as a smart girl.
例句 3:
Alice 的故事吸引了許多讀者的注意。
The story of Alice has captured the attention of many readers.
例句 1:
Alyssa 最近開始學習法語,她對語言很有興趣。
Alyssa has recently started learning French, and she is very interested in languages.
例句 2:
我有一位名叫 Alyssa 的同事,她在工作中非常努力。
I have a colleague named Alyssa, and she works very hard.
例句 3:
Alyssa 是一位才華橫溢的音樂家,經常在當地演出。
Alyssa is a talented musician who often performs locally.