

「Salinas」通常指的是地名,特別是在美國加利福尼亞州的城市或地區。Salinas 這個名字源於西班牙語,意思是「鹽田」或「鹽水」,常用來形容與鹽有關的地方。Salinas 在農業上以生產生菜和其他農作物而聞名,並且是著名作家約翰·斯坦貝克的故鄉。


  1. A place in California.
  2. A city known for farms.
  3. A town famous for its agriculture.
  4. A city in California with a rich farming history.
  5. A location known for its agricultural production.
  6. A city in California recognized for its contributions to the agricultural industry.
  7. A region in California that has historical significance in farming and literature.
  8. A municipality in California known for its fertile land and cultural heritage.
  9. A notable city in California, historically linked to agriculture and literature.
  10. A California city with a significant agricultural background and literary connections.


1:Salinas (City)


Salinas 是加利福尼亞州的一個城市,以其豐富的農業資源和文化歷史而聞名。這裡的氣候適合農作物生長,特別是生菜和其他綠葉蔬菜。這座城市還是著名作家約翰·斯坦貝克的故鄉,對美國文學有著重要影響。


例句 1:

Salinas 是一個以農業聞名的城市。

Salinas is a city known for its agriculture.

例句 2:

約翰·斯坦貝克在 Salinas 成長,這影響了他的作品。

John Steinbeck grew up in Salinas, which influenced his works.

例句 3:


The climate here is very suitable for crop growth.

2:Salinas (Region)


Salinas 地區以其肥沃的土地和豐富的農產品而著稱,是加州重要的農業中心之一。這個地區的農業生產對於全國的食品供應鏈有著重要的貢獻。


例句 1:

Salinas 地區是美國最大的生菜生產地之一。

The Salinas region is one of the largest lettuce producers in the United States.

例句 2:


Farmers in this region participate in agricultural fairs every year.

例句 3:

Salinas 地區的農產品在全國市場上非常受歡迎。

Agricultural products from the Salinas region are very popular in the national market.