



  1. A device that cools or heats things.
  2. A small part that can make things cold or hot.
  3. A semiconductor device that creates temperature differences.
  4. A device that uses electricity to move heat from one side to another.
  5. A thermoelectric component that transfers heat based on electric current.
  6. A solid-state device that operates on the principle of thermoelectric effect.
  7. A heat pump that can provide both heating and cooling by reversing the flow of electric current.
  8. An electronic component that generates a temperature gradient through electrical conduction.
  9. A thermoelectric module that exploits the Peltier effect for thermal management applications.
  10. A device that utilizes thermoelectric effects to transfer heat, useful in various cooling and heating applications.


1:Peltier module


這是佩爾帖技術的一個應用,通常用於冷卻和加熱系統中。Peltier 模組由多個佩爾帖元件組成,能夠有效地控制溫度,廣泛應用於電子設備的散熱和小型冰箱中。它的優勢在於能夠靈活地設計和集成到各種設備中,提供精確的溫度控制。


例句 1:

這個 Peltier 模組可以在短時間內將水冷卻至所需的溫度。

This Peltier module can cool water to the desired temperature in a short time.

例句 2:

他們使用 Peltier 模組來製作便攜式冷卻器。

They used a Peltier module to create a portable cooler.

例句 3:

這款產品的 Peltier 模組設計非常高效。

The Peltier module design in this product is very efficient.

2:Thermoelectric cooler


這是一種利用佩爾帖效應的裝置,常見於小型冷卻系統中。Thermoelectric cooler 可以在不需要移動部件的情況下提供持續的冷卻效果,適合用於電子設備的散熱或小型冰箱。它的工作原理是通過電流驅動熱量從一側移動到另一側,從而實現冷卻。


例句 1:

這種 thermoelectric cooler 非常適合用於小型冰箱。

This thermoelectric cooler is perfect for small refrigerators.

例句 2:

他們正在開發一種新型的 thermoelectric cooler,以提高能效。

They are developing a new thermoelectric cooler to improve energy efficiency.

例句 3:

這款設備的 thermoelectric cooler 能夠提供穩定的冷卻效果。

The thermoelectric cooler in this device provides stable cooling performance.

3:Thermoelectric device


這是指利用熱電效應來轉換熱能和電能的裝置。Thermoelectric device 可以用於發電、冷卻或加熱等多種應用,並且通常具有高效能和穩定性。這類裝置在可再生能源和電子冷卻技術中越來越受到重視。


例句 1:

這種 thermoelectric device 可以將廢熱轉換為電能。

This thermoelectric device can convert waste heat into electrical energy.

例句 2:

他們正在研究一種新型的 thermoelectric device,以提高熱轉換效率。

They are researching a new thermoelectric device to enhance thermal conversion efficiency.

例句 3:

這款設備的 thermoelectric device 使其在高溫環境下仍能正常運作。

The thermoelectric device in this equipment allows it to operate normally in high-temperature environments.