在歷史學中,B.C.(Before Christ)用於表示基督紀元之前的年份,通常與公元後的年份相對應。這個標記有助於清楚地指出事件發生的時間點,特別是在討論古代文明或事件時。
例句 1:
B.C. 115 was an important year in the Roman Republic.
例句 2:
They discovered this ancient artifact in B.C. 115.
例句 3:
This battle took place in B.C. 115 and had a profound impact on history.
例句 1:
在115 B.C.,許多文化正在相互交流。
In 115 B.C., many cultures were interacting with each other.
例句 2:
115 B.C.是古代中國歷史上的一個關鍵時期。
115 B.C. was a key period in ancient Chinese history.
例句 3:
該事件的發生可以追溯到115 B.C.的時候。
The occurrence of that event can be traced back to 115 B.C.
例句 1:
在Before Christ 115,許多古代文明達到了巔峰。
In Before Christ 115, many ancient civilizations reached their peak.
例句 2:
Before Christ 115的事件對後來的歷史產生了深遠的影響。
The events of Before Christ 115 had a lasting impact on subsequent history.
例句 3:
學者們對Before Christ 115的研究仍在持續進行。
Scholars continue to study the events of Before Christ 115.
例句 1:
Year 115 Before Christ是古代希臘的一個重要時期。
Year 115 Before Christ was an important period in ancient Greece.
例句 2:
在Year 115 Before Christ,許多重要的文化和政治事件發生。
Many significant cultural and political events occurred in Year 115 Before Christ.
例句 3:
考古學家在Year 115 Before Christ的遺址中發現了許多文物。
Archaeologists discovered many artifacts at the site from Year 115 Before Christ.