指的是基督教紀元後的年份,通常用於標示公元的年份。在正式文件和歷史書籍中,AD 通常會放在年份之前,例如:AD 2023。這個縮寫的來源是拉丁文「Anno Domini」,意為「主的年份」。
例句 1:
The movie's storyline is set in the year AD 2023.
例句 2:
They researched the history between 500 BC and AD 500.
例句 3:
The event mentioned in the article occurred in 300 BC.
例句 1:
這場戰爭發生在公元前500年,這是基於Anno Domini的計算。
The war took place in 500 BC, according to the Anno Domini calculation.
例句 2:
學者們在討論Anno Domini的歷史背景時,常常提到耶穌的誕生。
Scholars often mention the birth of Jesus when discussing the historical context of Anno Domini.
例句 3:
在這本書中,歷史事件被標示為Anno Domini的年份。
In this book, historical events are marked with Anno Domini years.
例句 1:
我們正在討論從公元前500年到公元500年的歷史,這是Common Era的時間範圍。
We are discussing history from 500 BC to AD 500, which is the time frame of the Common Era.
例句 2:
許多歷史學家現在更願意使用Common Era這個術語。
Many historians now prefer to use the term Common Era.
例句 3:
這本書的時間線使用了Common Era的標記方式。
The timeline in this book uses the Common Era notation.
例句 1:
根據Gregorian Year,這個事件發生在2023年。
According to the Gregorian Year, this event occurred in 2023.
例句 2:
許多國家在法律文件中使用Gregorian Year來標示日期。
Many countries use the Gregorian Year to denote dates in legal documents.
例句 3:
我們的計劃在Gregorian Year的第一季度開始。
Our project is set to begin in the first quarter of the Gregorian Year.