

BMX(即「自行車特技」)是一種以小型自行車進行特技表演和競賽的運動。BMX的全名是「Bicycle Motocross」,最早起源於1970年代的美國,並迅速發展成為一項全球性的運動。BMX的主要活動包括在特定的賽道上進行競速比賽,或在平坦的場地上進行特技表演。這項運動不僅考驗騎乘者的技巧和勇氣,還需要良好的平衡感和對自行車的控制能力。


  1. A sport with bikes doing tricks.
  2. Riding bikes in a fun way.
  3. A type of racing and tricks on bicycles.
  4. A sport that involves racing and performing stunts with bikes.
  5. A competitive sport using small bikes for racing and tricks.
  6. An extreme sport involving stunts and races on specially designed bikes.
  7. A discipline of cycling that includes racing on dirt tracks and performing tricks.
  8. A form of cycling focused on both competitive racing and artistic stunts.
  9. A genre of cycling that emphasizes agility, speed, and technical skill on BMX bikes.
  10. A popular sport involving bicycles designed for racing and trick performances.


1:Bicycle Motocross




例句 1:

Bicycle Motocross 是一項需要極高技巧的運動。

Bicycle Motocross is a sport that requires a high level of skill.

例句 2:

我參加了 Bicycle Motocross 比賽,感覺非常刺激。

I participated in a Bicycle Motocross race, and it was very exciting.

例句 3:

他在 Bicycle Motocross 的賽道上表現得非常出色。

He performed exceptionally well on the Bicycle Motocross track.

2:Freestyle BMX




例句 1:

Freestyle BMX 是一種非常受歡迎的特技表演運動。

Freestyle BMX is a very popular stunt performance sport.

例句 2:

他在 Freestyle BMX 比賽中贏得了金牌。

He won a gold medal in the Freestyle BMX competition.

例句 3:

我喜歡觀看 Freestyle BMX 的表演,因為每位選手都有獨特的風格。

I love watching Freestyle BMX performances because each rider has a unique style.

3:BMX Racing


這是BMX運動的一個競賽類型,選手們在專門設計的賽道上進行比賽。BMX Racing通常是團隊賽或個人賽,選手們需要在短時間內以最快的速度完成賽道。這項運動對於速度和策略的要求非常高。


例句 1:

BMX Racing 是一項非常刺激的競技運動。

BMX Racing is a very thrilling competitive sport.

例句 2:

她參加了 BMX Racing 的全國錦標賽。

She participated in the national championship for BMX Racing.

例句 3:

BMX Racing 的賽道設計非常具有挑戰性。

The design of the BMX Racing track is very challenging.

4:BMX Tricks




例句 1:

他在比賽中展示了許多驚人的 BMX Tricks。

He showcased many amazing BMX tricks during the competition.

例句 2:

學習 BMX Tricks 需要大量的練習和耐心。

Learning BMX tricks requires a lot of practice and patience.

例句 3:

這位選手的 BMX Tricks 讓觀眾驚嘆不已。

The rider's BMX tricks left the audience in awe.