



  1. A type of fungus used in making food.
  2. A mold that helps in food fermentation.
  3. A fungus that turns starch into sugar for food.
  4. A microorganism that aids in the fermentation of rice.
  5. A type of mold used in traditional food-making processes.
  6. A specific mold used in Asian cuisine for fermentation.
  7. A fungus that plays a crucial role in the fermentation of rice-based products.
  8. A key ingredient in the production of fermented rice products.
  9. A filamentous fungus essential for the saccharification of rice starch.
  10. A mold used in the production of various fermented foods, particularly in Asian cultures.


1:Aspergillus oryzae




例句 1:

米麴菌的學名是 Aspergillus oryzae

The scientific name of rice mold is Aspergillus oryzae.

例句 2:

Aspergillus oryzae 是許多亞洲傳統食品的關鍵成分。

Aspergillus oryzae is a key ingredient in many traditional Asian foods.

例句 3:

在製作米酒的過程中,Aspergillus oryzae 扮演著重要角色。

Aspergillus oryzae plays an important role in the process of making rice wine.

2:Koji mold


這是另一種對米麴菌的稱呼,特別是在日本料理中。Koji 是用來製作醬油、味噌和其他發酵食品的關鍵成分。


例句 1:

Koji 是日本料理中必不可少的發酵成分。

Koji is an essential fermentation ingredient in Japanese cuisine.

例句 2:

在製作味噌的過程中,Koji 會被添加到煮熟的米中。

Koji is added to cooked rice in the process of making miso.

例句 3:

Koji mold 有助於提升食物的風味和質地。

Koji mold helps enhance the flavor and texture of food.

3:Rice mold




例句 1:

Rice mold 在許多亞洲傳統食品中都能找到。

Rice mold can be found in many traditional Asian foods.

例句 2:

使用 rice mold 的方法在不同文化中有所不同。

The methods of using rice mold vary across different cultures.

例句 3:

Rice mold 是許多發酵飲品的基礎。

Rice mold is the foundation for many fermented beverages.