



  1. The last month of the Islamic calendar.
  2. A month when Muslims perform a special pilgrimage.
  3. A month important for a religious journey.
  4. The month when many Muslims travel to a holy place.
  5. A significant month for a religious duty in Islam.
  6. The final month of the Islamic lunar calendar, associated with pilgrimage.
  7. A month that includes important rituals for Muslims.
  8. The month dedicated to the Hajj pilgrimage and its rituals.
  9. The twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, crucial for the Hajj pilgrimage.
  10. The month marking the culmination of the Islamic pilgrimage season.


1:Dhu al-Hijjah




例句 1:

每年,數以萬計的穆斯林在Dhu al-Hijjah前往麥加。

Every year, thousands of Muslims travel to Mecca during Dhu al-Hijjah.

例句 2:

Dhu al-Hijjah的前十天被認為是最神聖的日子。

The first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah are considered the holiest days.

例句 3:

Dhu al-Hijjah期間,許多穆斯林會進行禁食。

Many Muslims fast during Dhu al-Hijjah.

2:Islamic pilgrimage month




例句 1:

Islamic pilgrimage month是穆斯林信仰中最重要的時期之一。

The Islamic pilgrimage month is one of the most significant periods in the Muslim faith.

例句 2:

Islamic pilgrimage month,穆斯林會進行一系列的宗教儀式。

During the Islamic pilgrimage month, Muslims perform a series of religious rituals.

例句 3:

許多人在Islamic pilgrimage month中尋求靈性上的提升。

Many seek spiritual elevation during the Islamic pilgrimage month.

3:Hajj month




例句 1:

Hajj month是每位穆斯林一生中必須履行的義務。

The Hajj month is an obligation that every Muslim must fulfill at least once in their lifetime.

例句 2:

Hajj month,穆斯林會聚集在麥加進行朝聖。

During the Hajj month, Muslims gather in Mecca for pilgrimage.

例句 3:

Hajj month的儀式包括多個重要的宗教活動。

The rituals of the Hajj month include several important religious activities.