



  1. A type of rock made of minerals.
  2. A rock that contains certain minerals.
  3. A sedimentary rock that is formed from limestone.
  4. A rock that is similar to limestone but has different minerals.
  5. A type of rock that contains magnesium and calcium.
  6. A carbonate rock primarily composed of the mineral dolomite.
  7. A rock formed from the alteration of limestone through magnesium-rich fluids.
  8. A sedimentary rock characterized by the presence of dolomite, often used in construction.
  9. A geological formation resulting from the diagenesis of limestone involving magnesium ions.
  10. A type of sedimentary rock consisting mostly of dolomite, often used in various industries.


1:Dolomite rock


這是一種主要由白雲石礦物組成的岩石,與 Dolostone 密切相關。通常在地質學和建築領域中使用,因為它具有良好的耐久性和強度。


例句 1:

Dolomite rock 在建築中非常受歡迎,因為它的強度和耐久性。

Dolomite rock is very popular in construction due to its strength and durability.

例句 2:

這片地區的 Dolomite rock 形成了獨特的地形。

The dolomite rock in this area has created unique landforms.

例句 3:

地質學家研究 Dolomite rock 以了解其形成過程。

Geologists study dolomite rock to understand its formation process.

2:Magnesian limestone


這是一種含有較高鎂含量的石灰岩,與 Dolostone 相關。它的特性和用途與 Dolostone 有相似之處,並且在某些情況下可以互換使用。


例句 1:

Magnesian limestone 是一種重要的建材,廣泛用於建築和基礎設施。

Magnesian limestone is an important building material widely used in construction and infrastructure.

例句 2:

這種 Magnesian limestone 的礦床在當地經濟中扮演著重要角色。

The deposits of magnesian limestone play a crucial role in the local economy.

例句 3:

研究顯示 Magnesian limestone 可以改善土壤質量。

Studies show that magnesian limestone can improve soil quality.

3:Carbonate rock


這是一個更廣泛的分類,包括所有由碳酸鹽礦物組成的岩石,Dolostone 和石灰岩都是其子類。這種岩石在地質學上非常重要,因為它們通常是油氣儲層的主要組成部分。


例句 1:

Carbonate rock 在油氣勘探中是重要的地質標記。

Carbonate rock is an important geological marker in oil and gas exploration.

例句 2:

許多水體的沉積物都是由 Carbonate rock 形成的。

Many sedimentary deposits in water bodies are formed from carbonate rock.

例句 3:

地質學家分析 Carbonate rock 的結構以了解地球的歷史。

Geologists analyze the structure of carbonate rock to understand Earth's history.