



  1. A name for boys, often used in Arabic-speaking cultures.
  2. A common male name in some cultures.
  3. A name that means 'chosen one'.
  4. A traditional name that is popular among Muslims.
  5. A male name with religious significance in Islam.
  6. A culturally significant name often associated with leadership or nobility.
  7. A name that carries historical and religious weight, especially in Islamic tradition.
  8. A name that signifies selection or preference, often used in Arabic contexts.
  9. A name rooted in Arabic heritage, often linked to esteemed figures in Islamic history.
  10. A name denoting honor and distinction, prevalent in various cultures.




在許多阿拉伯文化中,Mustafa 是一個常見的男性名字,象徵著被選擇或尊貴。這個名字在穆斯林社群中尤為流行,並且常常與對先知穆罕默德的尊敬相聯繫。


例句 1:

Mustafa 是我最好的朋友,他總是樂於助人。

Mustafa is my best friend, and he is always willing to help.

例句 2:

這位名叫 Mustafa 的作家在文學界非常有名。

The writer named Mustafa is very famous in the literary world.

例句 3:

在我們的社區裡,Mustafa 是一位受人尊敬的領袖。

In our community, Mustafa is a respected leader.