



  1. How long the camera opens to take a picture.
  2. The time the camera is open when taking a photo.
  3. The speed at which the camera shutter opens.
  4. The duration for which the shutter is open to capture light.
  5. The measure of how quickly the camera captures an image.
  6. A setting that determines the exposure time of the camera.
  7. A crucial factor that influences the exposure and motion blur in photography.
  8. A parameter that affects the amount of light entering the camera and the clarity of moving subjects.
  9. A technical specification that dictates the length of time the sensor is exposed to light.
  10. A critical element in photography that controls motion capture and exposure.


1:Shutter speed


在攝影中,快門速度是一個非常重要的參數,因為它直接影響到照片的亮度和動態效果。快門速度通常以秒或分秒的形式表示,比如 1/1000 秒或 1 秒。快門速度越快,進光量越少,適合拍攝快速移動的物體;快門速度越慢,進光量越多,適合拍攝靜物或低光環境。


例句 1:


When shooting sports scenes, I need to adjust the shutter speed to freeze the action.

例句 2:


Using a slower shutter speed can create beautiful motion blur effects.

例句 3:

這張照片的快門速度是 1/500 秒,讓我捕捉到了飛鳥的瞬間。

The shutter speed for this photo was 1/500 of a second, allowing me to capture the moment of the flying bird.