例句 1:
This pear tree produces abundant fruit every year.
例句 2:
They planted a pear tree in their backyard.
例句 3:
The flowers of the pear tree bloom beautifully in spring.
這是一個植物學名,指的是梨樹的屬,包含多種梨樹和果樹。這個屬的植物通常以其美味的果實而聞名,並且在許多文化中都受到重視。Pyrus 屬下的不同品種有不同的果實特徵和生長要求。
例句 1:
Pyrus 屬的植物在全球各地都有栽培。
Plants of the Pyrus genus are cultivated all over the world.
例句 2:
科學家正在研究 Pyrus 屬的不同品種。
Scientists are studying the various species within the Pyrus genus.
例句 3:
這些梨樹屬於 Pyrus 屬,果實美味可口。
These pear trees belong to the Pyrus genus and produce delicious fruit.
例句 1:
Pyrus communis 是最常見的梨樹品種之一。
Pyrus communis is one of the most common pear tree species.
例句 2:
我們的農場專注於種植 Pyrus communis。
Our farm focuses on cultivating Pyrus communis.
例句 3:
Pyrus communis 的果實在成熟時非常甜美。
The fruit of Pyrus communis is very sweet when ripe.