

「1EB」通常是指「1 Exabyte」,它是一種數據存儲單位,等於 1,024 Petabytes 或 1,073,741,824 Gigabytes。這個術語常用於計算機科學、數據存儲和信息技術領域,特別是在描述大型數據中心或雲存儲服務的容量時。隨著數據量的急劇增加,理解這些大型存儲單位變得越來越重要。


  1. A large amount of digital information.
  2. A way to measure very big data.
  3. A unit for counting huge data sizes.
  4. A measure for very large data storage.
  5. A term used to describe a vast quantity of data.
  6. A unit that equals 1,024 petabytes of data.
  7. A standard used in data storage to represent massive amounts of information.
  8. A measurement for data storage often used in computing.
  9. A quantification used in information technology for extremely large data sets.
  10. A unit of digital information storage that indicates a very large capacity.




在數據存儲領域,Exabyte 是一個非常大的單位,通常用於描述雲存儲、大型數據中心或全球互聯網流量的規模。隨著數據生成速度的加快,理解這樣的單位變得越來越重要。


例句 1:

目前,全球的數據產量已經達到數個 Exabyte

Currently, global data production has reached several exabytes.

例句 2:

這家公司的數據中心能夠處理超過 1 Exabyte 的數據。

This company's data center can handle over 1 exabyte of data.

例句 3:

隨著技術的進步,我們需要更多的 Exabyte 存儲來滿足需求。

With advancements in technology, we need more exabyte storage to meet the demands.