這是對數字 24000000 的口語化表達,通常用於描述金額、人口或其他統計數據。
例句 1:
The population of this city is approximately twenty-four million.
例句 2:
The company's revenue last year reached twenty-four million dollars.
例句 3:
The budget required for this project is twenty-four million.
這是數字 24000000 的簡化形式,通常在商業或報告中使用。
例句 1:
這筆交易的價值是 2400 萬美元。
The value of this deal is 24 million dollars.
例句 2:
我們的目標是增加 2400 萬的市場份額。
Our goal is to increase the market share by 24 million.
例句 3:
這部電影的票房收入達到 2400 萬。
The box office revenue for this movie reached 24 million.