



  1. A beach in Taiwan.
  2. A famous beach with beautiful views.
  3. A place where people go to swim and relax.
  4. A popular tourist destination in Taiwan.
  5. A beach known for its fine sand and clear water.
  6. A location ideal for various outdoor activities by the sea.
  7. A scenic coastal area popular for recreation and leisure.
  8. A well-known beach that attracts visitors for its natural beauty and activities.
  9. A renowned coastal site in Taiwan that offers both relaxation and adventure.
  10. A picturesque beach that is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.


1:Qixing Beach


Qixing Beach 是七星海灘的英文名稱,這個地方以其獨特的地理位置和美麗的海景而受到遊客的青睞。在這裡,人們可以享受陽光、沙灘和海浪,非常適合家庭出遊和朋友聚會。


例句 1:

我們計畫這個週末去Qixing Beach玩。

We plan to go to Qixing Beach this weekend.

例句 2:

Qixing Beach的日落非常美麗。

The sunset at Qixing Beach is very beautiful.

例句 3:

Qixing Beach,你可以嘗試各種水上活動。

At Qixing Beach, you can try various water activities.

2:Seven Star Beach


Seven Star Beach 是七星海灘的另一個翻譯,這個名稱在國際上也被廣泛使用。這個海灘是基隆市的熱門旅遊景點,吸引了很多遊客前來享受海邊的樂趣。


例句 1:

Seven Star Beach是個適合家庭出遊的好地方。

Seven Star Beach is a great place for family outings.

例句 2:

我們在Seven Star Beach享受了一整天的陽光。

We enjoyed a whole day of sunshine at Seven Star Beach.

例句 3:

Seven Star Beach的沙子非常細軟。

The sand at Seven Star Beach is very fine and soft.

3:Qixing Seaside


Qixing Seaside 是指七星海灘的海岸線,這裡的海水清澈,風景如畫,非常適合拍照和散步。許多遊客會在這裡拍攝美麗的照片,留下美好的回憶。


例句 1:

Qixing Seaside散步是一種放鬆的方式。

Walking along Qixing Seaside is a relaxing way to spend the day.

例句 2:

Qixing Seaside的風景吸引了很多攝影師。

The scenery at Qixing Seaside attracts many photographers.

例句 3:

我們在Qixing Seaside拍了很多照片。

We took many photos at Qixing Seaside.

4:Seven Star Coast


Seven Star Coast 是七星海灘的另一種表達方式,通常用來描述這個地區的整體海岸風光。這個地方不僅有海灘,還有周圍的山景,形成了一幅美麗的自然畫卷。


例句 1:

Seven Star Coast的景色讓人驚嘆。

The views at Seven Star Coast are breathtaking.

例句 2:

Seven Star Coast是個完美的野餐地點。

Seven Star Coast is a perfect spot for a picnic.

例句 3:

我們在Seven Star Coast度過了一個愉快的下午。

We had a wonderful afternoon at Seven Star Coast.